For heavens sake Andy give it a break. You have proved without a shadow of doubt to 
yourself that you are the only one doing it
right. Now let the rest of us enjoy the hobby (sport) in whatever fashion we choose!!

Andy Frank wrote:

> Only 300-400 molds in my life. Most to tolerances the hobby only wishes for.
> Making molds is easy. Pulling parts is even easier.
> Building a wood model from scratch, is like make a proto type. Carving plugs
> used to be a high skill level job, now it isn't, CNC, etc.

Is it not a wonderful thing to have modern systems to help us. Do you drive a car or 
do you still carve your dug-out canoes?

> Machining and benching a mold is very simple, bagging parts from that mold,
> is simple. Most can be trained to do it in one shift. Programming cutter
> paths, used to be a high skill, now anyone could do it.
> I do not know why, people want other people to think it's hard, it is not.

Things do not necesssarily have to be hard to get enjoyment out of them.

> Designing something and being able to build something are not the same. Many
> designers could not built a bird house, from a kit.

> Anyone can design something, it takes a builder, to built that design.
> Being able to fly something and having the skill to design, manufacture and
> market something are not the same.

It does not have to be the same. The hobby is an all-encompassing one and individuals 
have the right to select whatever aspects of
the hobby that spark their interest without  being subjected to "holier-than-thou" 

> Remember, the builders build and the fliers, buy from the builders.
> Now that is a real truth.

So what is wrong with that?  When did you last see a golfer build his clubs?

John O'Sullivan
Nova Scotia

Wind and Wave Models

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