Well, what an interesting ride this has been!  I simply put the 
friendly question out about allowing multiple models to be flown in a 
contest.  Here's what I've observed:

1.  Nearly anything on RCSE can get nasty and personal far too 
quickly.  This thread started with some reasoned debate and just got 
sadly weird.

2.  Some competitors whose names I know and respect would be very 
happy to see multiple models flown.

3.  Some competitors whose names I know and respect would not like to 
see multiple models flown.

4.  Some folks who rarely, if ever, fly contests insist on inserting 
strongly felt opinions about changing things that don't effect them 
in the least.

5.  I'm surprised that no  mention has been made of multiple model 
use in F3J.  Seems to me like it  has not caused the downfall of 
soaring in most of the rest of the world or the denigration of 
soaring as a fun thing to do.

6.  We need to collectively take a deep breath and remember this is 
for fun.  Last time I checked the stakes were pretty low (as long as 
you don't factor in egos  which seem quite large enough).

Here's what I've decided.  I will dutifully send in a sanction 
request with a rule deviation noted about rule #5 for the Cincinnati 
Soaring Society's Memorial Contest May 18 and 19.  The deviation will 
note that:

The competitor may use two model aircraft in the competition at their 
discretion in variance with rules 5a, b, and c.

Gee whilikers won't this shake up the whole soaring world!!  It will 
be interesting to see if the sanction is granted.  See page one of 
the ama rule book under contest directors responsibilities and the 
technical directors response.

To make things even more fun, day one flights will be matrixed man on 
man as in F3J, day two seeded man on man.

Reasonable soul that I am, if my email in-box is flooded with "please 
don't do that" by the regular CSS Memorial attendees, I am amenable 
to reconsideration with the noted caveat that some privileges come 
with stepping up to CD a contest.

I'm considering making these changes to increase the fun factor.  I'm 
living proof that a middle o' the pack flyer will be just that with 
an expensive model as well.  Most guys I know go to contests to see 
friends, look at cool new toys and to challenge themselves and push 
their skills.  Many would like to play with more than one of their 
toys during this time.  While some obsess on winning, most don't.  To 
play with two toys instead of just one seems to me to be not a big 
deal, but from all the hub-bub perhaps a crucifixion is order eh?

Soaring is fun, arguing is not.

Barry Andersen

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