> Does anyone have & use the CAM-pac memory module?

Wouldn't be without one for each transmitter as it's the failsafe if the
memory battery quits.  It also allows the storage of another set of planes,
sixteen by itself, if you're that well off plane wise - or several more
setups for the same plane if you run out of conditions - very hard to do
with sailplanes.

>  JR recievers are not compatable with Futaba transmitters right?,
different shift right?

Not always.  This is the case on 72 MHz, but, as far as I know, not on any
of the other bands.  This is strictly an American thing.

Jim Porter
Bettendorf, Iowa  USA
     soon to be Dilsberg Germany

"The airplane stays up because it doesn't have the time to fall."
     Orville Wright

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