Craig admits:

>I'm an in-flight switch flipper (camber, rudder mix on/off,
>reflex) and have not had a problem. One can learn to remember,
>enabling landing mode and confirming rudder mix on is part of my
>check at the abeam point of my approach.

Evil advice, someday you WILL have a problem.  Sooner rather than later if you ever get interested in F3x style competitions, or any flying where you are forced to deal with wind, other planes, desperate pop-off gambles, etc. etc. etc. etc.

You WILL screw it up!  Any human being would.  Switches are bad.  We can all train ourselves to do most anything at the same time-most of the time if we have to, but it's just not playing the percentages.  And there is no reason to not equip yourself with the "right stuff," if you are serious.


John Roe
Laguna Hills, Ca



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