I have one.  It is very good quality & I hear it is the same plane as the Urge that we hear a lot about.  I haven't flown mine much and can not comment on the thermal abilities.  I have flown of a slope a bit and I can say that there are much better slope planes.  I was flying in moderate conditions without ballast.  Another club member was flying a sparrow at the same time and out performed the Whisper hands down.  The only place I had any advantage was landing - the Whisper has flaps.  If the east coast wind cooperates I will try the slope again with ballast this time.
  I went overboard on servos [Jr 351's & 341's] and the plane is slightly overweight.  With the thick airfoil I sure hope that it thermals OK.  Of course CASA is not having a 2M contest this year so I may very well sell the plane and get something that is fun on the slope.
I wanted to find out of anyone has or has seen the..
"Whisper" 2M Molded Sailplane >From Hobby Lobby?
Is it any good or a waste of cash? I'm looking to get something 2 meter
for my local clubs Monthly TD contests and maybe a larger contest or 2 a year.
Any info would be great.
John Fruge

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