Hey Brent

  If you are talking about Los Banos fun fly which is really a slope site but we had 
aero towing going on both days Sat the 27th and
Sun the 28th. I can tell you from personal experience Sunday was out of this world in 
thermal activity!!!! Tony Elliot was the only
one there that had a longer flight time then me I think. I managed 2 flights on Sunday 
that were at least 40-50 min. long each with
lots of aerobatics thrown in because my ASH 26 is so hard to see at high altitudes I 
would do rolls and loops to bring it back down
to about 800 feet to start all over again. Was it fun? HELL YES!!!!!! And to see Tony 
Elliot's 10 meter? Eta do a high speed pass
and a few loops was awesome to say the least. There were 48-50 registered pilots and 
about 40 spectators all watching on Sunday.
Sat. was a little to windy to aerotow even though some of us did (me) and after 
thermaling for a bit after release I came down and
tried slope soaring for awhile! This was my first time sloping and I have to say 
flying your 4 meter $1,000 sailplane back and forth
sometimes not more than 8 feet off the deck gets a little nerve racking. I need a 
smaller scale ship now to try sloping again before
I make up my mind if I like it or not or at least a set of depends because I about 
peed my pants when a thermal came through and
killed the slope lift. :^) The whole LA gang was there and I think we had about 5-6 
tow planes there for all to use. My finance and
I were working the registration tables and radio impound so we didn't get to walk 
around as much as we would like to checkout all
the sailplanes and stuff for sale. Dieter and Marcella were there from Shredair. I 
know she got some great shots. The only place she
didn't have the camera with her was the rest room. There are going to be some great 
pics coming out soon! I saw at least 10 people
taking pics for web pages and so forth. Paul Naton was there doing a video for his 
next release. He captured all of Tony's flight
and a great shot of it towing right over him about maybe 10 feet max. above his head. 
Glad to see there was no problems on tow or
Paul would have been in trouble because he couldn't see and we couldn't yell at him in 
time to get out of the way. Paul is kinda
like a war journalist taking a little risk for the rest of us to enjoy or see what 
really is going on in our hobby. Thumbs up
Paul!!! He was allso there with a nice scale sailplane for you people that don't think 
he really fly's :^) Glad none of the
officials of the event saw you before the take off. Me for one, did not notice Paul 
there or we would have had to ask him to step
aside. We were all to busy and excited to see Tony take off to notice anything else! 
Alberto came up as one of the vendors for the
event. Karlton didn't make it but he said he it might be 50/50 before hand. Of course 
Shredair was selling shirts, hats, and video's
and a few other things I didn't get to go by there table ( and we were parked in front 
of them) it was always crowded. Alberto
brought a slough of kits and parts for park fliers to scale ships. Of course Brian 
Chan and Bruce Devissor dished out the on site
BBQ hot dogs and hamburgers! I tried them both days and I have to say they were good 
and I am still alive :^) I heard there were 3
minor crashes on Sat. i did not see any of them. And there was only a sailplane versus 
tow plane on Sunday before we left around
1:30 pm. Both Sat. and Sun. you had to land down wind more on Sun then Sat but still 
the guys without flaps were coming in real hot
and made for great laughs and chuckles from everyone as the sailplane came to a semi? 
scale stop hehehe. I for one only made 1 good
landing out of the 5 flights I had. And I made sure everyone knew I finally made a 
smooth nice clean landing hehehe. The first
landing was a tail over at the stop of the landing not to scale like. The next was a 
270 degree spin at the end of the landing.
Brian Laird brought the usually 20 scale PSS sailplanes with him but I didn't get to 
see him fly. I have to say there WAY NICER
BUILT AND LOOKING in person then in any of the mags you might have saw his planes 
in!!! Nice meeting all these famous people you see
in mags and on the internet web pages but hell would have like to see some more flying 
maybe learned a thing or two :^) There was
even a 1/4 Spitfire PSS there for sale. I was afraid to ask the price but it was 
nicely built and ready to go. I am still smiling my
A$$ off from this weekend. It was incomparable to anything that I have flown yet! And 
I have won my fair share of large thermal
events in the past but nothing beats scale aero towing. I would like to send out a big 
THANKS to Denny C. for the great scale like
tows and for letting me release into a thermal on all 5 flights. IT JUST DOESN'T GET 
BETTER THAN THAT!!!!!! if your asking how the
event went or was it was just OK??? hehehe.

Douglas, Brent wrote:

> after all my work, I didn't make it..... anyone go?  did the weather
> cooperate either day?  stories to share?
> thanks, I'm very curious to hear what happened....
> Brent
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