THis is an oversimplification, unless you are comparing a Spirit to a
foamie. A good wood trainer is much easier to fly than a foamie because
it is much slower. I would rate them about even if you have an
instructor. Learing process will generally be faster with wood, but you
can be more agressive with a foamie. A good instructor can greatly
reduce your crashes. Of course a computer simulator never breaks (except
due to negligence on part of evil empire) and can be set to fly slowly. 

P.S. Beware of workmanship (especially inappropriate wood grain in
critical places) on some ARF's, but some are good, and reduced emotional
involvement compared to bulding your own may make you less nervous.

P.P.S. other choice might be park flyer. Some are quite bounceable, but
more dollars to get started and not good soarers, tho it can be done
when there isn't too much wind. (GWS DH82)

Randy Bullard wrote:
> If you are just beginning, your choices are:
> Balsa =  fly, crash, repair, repair, repair;  fly, crash, repair, repair,
> repair and so on until you give up or learn.
> Foam = fly, crash, dust it off, fly, crash, laugh, dust if off, fly, crash,
> laugh some more and so forth until you learn.
> Tough choice.
> Randy

Lincoln Ross
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