Launched my new Sapphire (less than 2 hrs. flt time) into a 10-12 knot
wind today and both aileron servos(new HS85BB) had the gears strip at the
apex of the launch,maybe a little hard on the pedal.Anyway I dropped the
flaps about 1/2 kicked the rudder around and flew it back to the field and
landed without a scratch.Last month another flyer here lost a Hera to the
same type of gear failure,coincidence ?
    So, I pick up my back-up plane (Falcon 880) and start flying it.Third
flight I turn into the wind on final @ 15-20 feet and the stbd. aileron
servo gearing gives out (ancient JR servos)the wing tip hits the ground and
folds in two places
    Go figure ??
    Anybody out there have an old set of Falcon 880 wings they're willing to
part with ??

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