Hi all,
the second contest in the 2002 JR/Airsail F3B series (North
Island, New Zealand) took place on May 18 & 19 at a new (for
the series) venue near Havelock North. Thanks to the Hawkes
Bay Radio Fliers for hosting us, providing a great field,
great hospitality, and for turning up in numbers to support
the event.

The series has a new web address, however the usual format
with full results and a write-up hasn't changes.
Check it out at:


Fastest speed time was 16.98 seconds by Dave Larsen, best
distance was 23 legs by Chris Tank. Congratulatins to Lewis
Willams who lowered the NZ junior speed record to 23.55 seconds.
This is becoming a regular event now, and with around 7 years
left as a junior I'm sure Lewis hasn't finished with those
records yet!

Results Summary
 1  Dave Larsen         Ellipse 2V              11522.8
 2  Peter Williams      Cobra                   11047.9
 3  Chris Kaiser                Ellipse 2V              10845.7
 4  Chris Tank          Cobra                   10491.4
 5  Aneil Patel         Ellipse 2V              10413.7
 6  David James         Pulse                   10238.5
 7  Wayne Bilham                Pulse                   10221.7
 8  Kevern Oliver               Ellipse 3CAM     9869.5
 9  Ted Bealing         Ellipse 3CAM     9350.0
10  Warwick Gatland     Ellipse 2V               9257.1
11  Lewis Williams      Captain Nitro    9117.8
12  Ken Duffel          Ellipse 2V               9099.3
13  Kevin Botherway     Ellipse 2V              9031.6
14  Andrew Stiver               Ellipse 2V               8573.8
15  Richard Thompson    Pike Extreme     8487.4
16  Merv Malcomson      Cobra                    8338.7
17  Harvey Stiver               Sapphire                 7631.6
18  Aaron Bilham                Minty                    1875.6

Ciao - Chris

Chris Kaiser  (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])
Auckland,  NEW ZEALAND

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