This is at least the second folded wing on a Summa that I've heard of.  One 
of my flying buddies lost one of these to the same fate.  I flew that bird a 
couple of times and was thoroughly unimpressed.

The turning performance was lacking in my opinion.  I didn't measure the 
dihedral angles on the plane, but they seemed low.  RnR is trying to make a 
competition RES plane and may have reduced the effective dihedral angle too 
much, effecting the turning performance.  I suspect that the rudder design 
may also be a culprit.  The rudder has a huge amount of rake to it. Rake 
reduces rudder effectiveness.

I was surprised with RnR's selection of the Eppler 387 airfoil for the 
plane.  This seems to be a questionable selection on a molded plane.  The 
387 was long ago found to benefit from roughened surfaces or turbulator 
strips.  Kind of like its sibling, the 214.  Brian Agnew had success with 
his designs that used the 387, but that was a decade ago.  The aeronautics 
of airfoil design have advanced well beyond the 387.  For current fliers of 
this craft, you may want to try tubulator strips (full span) at about 20 to 
30 percent chord and see if there is an improvement.  The prior knowledge 
suggests that it will.

The selection of the 387 may have also been due to the slightly elevated 
wing loading.  This plane probably needs the extra camber (and resulting 
lift coefficient) to gets it sink speed down to acceptable limits.

The folded wings on these ships is unacceptable.  For a molded plane that is 
touted as being strong enough to take a full-on winch launch, it doesn't 
seem to live up to the billing.  Another area that seemed to be a problem on 
the plane was the tail boom.  My friend had cracking on his boom.

All of this seems to suggest that RnR strugled with this design.  They may 
have sought to keep the plane light, but may have done so in less than ideal 
places.  A couple more tweaks in the structural and aerodynamic design may 
be all that is needed to make this plane a good performer.

Martin Brungard
Tallahassee, FL

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