Finally ! Got to fly my ship after a VERY Long lay off . It's amazing how rusty one can get after not flying for a while . The first flight was a  pretty "high anxiety " moment . I'd had to reprogram the ship after doing some dumb things to the Stylus and dumping all the settings . The air was all up,or so it seemed . I couldn't hit a landing if I had to . Seems like I've got to play with the elev. compensation . Any way that's the excuse I'm using :)
So, Thank You to the M.A.R.S. Radio club . A very nice site and even better people .
                                                          All the best, John
PS Kevin, Dale,and Dan ...... Stopped by Wal-Mart on the way back  from the field and got batteries for the winch and retriever . I'm getting to old to shag chutes :)

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