Martin Usher wrote:
> Open class R/C sailplanes that have carbon wings are perfect for causing
> power outages. Their wingspan comfortably bridges 12Kv lines and the carbon
> is resistive so you get a really neat arc instead of just tripping the line
> breakers.
> What eventually falls to the ground is a sort of "ghost of a sailplane". Its
> sailplane shaped but has no substance.

Not too long ago, didn't someone post on RCSE links to pictures of their
electric after tangling with powerlines?  I seem to remember showing off
to girlfriend in backyard being a factor.

Then there's the pic of one (DLG?) sitting on the lines.  Who's gonna
get it down.  Think it is in the LSF picture gallery.

On another site, there are comments to the effect that a Zagi may not
conduct electricty, but a potential difference caused an arc that
fried the receiver.  Luckily Zagi's bounce.

Andrew E. Mileski
Ottawa, Canada

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