Hi Guys,

I just received my new Stiletto RG15 DS Fuse today from Denny Maize at
Polecat Aero and man is this going to be one really nice and stiff fuse for
the DS Plane Homebuilders. Denny will be making these fuses on a custom
order basis between his DLG Projects and an occasional contest he gets to
attend.  Denny went all out on this fuse with lots of carbon along the top
and bottom of the boom for stiffness and some more carbon up front and
kevlar re-enforcement in the nose as well.  The mold was one of Jerry Slates
old molds that I purchased from Mark Hambleton of DCU and is a very sleek
looking fuse.  It has an RG15 wing root with a 10" Chord.  I will try to get
some digital pictures taken of the fuse soon.  If anyone wants one of these
fuses contact Denny directly.  Those of you that I have already talked to
about fuses I have given Denny your name so he already knows you may have an
interest.  You will still need to contact him if you want a fuse.  If you
want pictures sent to you of the fuse email me directly and I will get them
to you as soon as I get them taken.

See Ya,

Pat McCleave
Wichita, KS

Ps, Hey Doc, your fuse should be ready to ship in a couple of weeks.  You
are going to love it.

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