
       We in the Downeast Soaring club have a friend that is one of our 
youngest members that is moving to New Orleans with his family next Wed.  We 
are sorry to see them move as his family has supported him with his hobby for 
quite sometime.  So here is where this forum will help this young man Mike 
make some new friends.

       Mike will need some help when he get to New Orleans.  He has a Zagi 
and some .........  I hate to say it but Power planes.  He does know how to 
fly he just needs the help of some glider guiders to help him out.  Mike is a 
true gentleman at a young age and we in Maine would like to see him have a 
good relationship with a sailplane group in La.  Please e-mail me directly 
and I will forward the info to him as I believe his computer is already 
packed for moving.

       Thanks for the help guys

Jeff Carr
Downeast Soaring
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