Hey guys, maybe you can help me out with this thing.  A few years ago my
friend gave me a nearly complete Super Soarer free flight "tow-line" glider
(see picture here http://www.easybuiltmodels.com/g04-01.jpg).  I've been in
the process of converting it to an r/c model (just for the heck of it), and
I have a couple questions.  

First...anyone with experience with this model have any idea where the CG
should be? The plane has a gull wing, sort of like a Minimoa, with a
straight center section and tips with swept back leading edges, so it isn't
entirely obvious to me where to balance it.

Second, aileron servos.  Because of the gull-wing, I can't use torque
tubes, and don't really want to fool around with a bell crank system, so
I'd like to put the servos in the wing.  Problem is the wing is very thin,
and about the only servos that will comfortably fit are something like CS10
parkflier servos (7oz-in of torque).  Will this be enough for each aileron?
 It's obviously going to be a slow flying plane.  It's got a 72" span, and
I project a flying weight of around 20oz.  It will most likely be
exclusively flown on the slope, probably in light lift.

Thanks in advance for any info.

Brett's Slope and Power Home Page: http://home.earthlink.net/~jaffee
OnTheWay Quake 3 server utility:   http://www.planetquake.com/ontheway
The Unoffical Extra 300 Home Page: http://bjaffee.tripod.com/extra300/

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