Hi Gang,

Once again, another great day in Redmond, WA for Hand Launch fun!  11 folks
showed up for the fun, with a few familiar faces missing (vacations, etc.)
and some fresh new faces too!  The weather dealt a pretty good wind out of
the North and Northwest, which blew the thermals down the field, and left a
couple of people off field on that long trip back from a four minute flight.

A large number of the locally grown Encores were in attendance, as well as
some brand new XP3's from out east, and as usual, a number of own designs
too!  Jeff Sawyer and Dave Beardsley went home with door prizes and I think
everyone went home with a satisfying day of flying under their belts.

Registration is now open for the Pacific NW HLG Regional September 14&15th.
The registrations fee is $30 and We'd like to have everyone registered by
August 31st!  See the PNWHLGR Website for details:

Here's the gory contest details:

Pilot                Final Score        Plane         Airfoil
Adam Weston            5946                 Encore      F23
Jim Pearson            5733                 Encore      F23
Phil Pearson     5581               Encore (own design) F17-F23
Tim Johnson            5499                 Cosmos (own design) AG04
Jay Allison            5421                 XP3       Drela
Lauren Anstead           5020               Uplink      SD7037 MOD
Tor Burkhard     4936               Own Design  SD7037
Dan Wright             4889           XP3             Drela
Dave Beardsley   4290               Encore      F17
Philip Patten    3917               Ionosphere  Try12A
Jeff Sawyer            2740                 Tweener     AG16


Adam Weston
Seattle, WA

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