Where are you finding data on the web that makes these look good at low
RE? If I remember my NACA nomenclature, those are laminar flow foils
which ought to be awful at our Reynold's numbers. If you want to use
them you should build a full size plane, unless I'm just full of it.
BTW, what is task of plane? Probably someone can suggest something much
better if they know what it's for and how heavy you think it will be. If
you can't find tunnel data at appropriate Re, there's always Xfoil.

BTW, Lednicer says 63a409 and 63a406 for that plane

Brent wrote:
> speaking of stall characteristics......
> I'm doing a smallish wing with a naca series of airfoils, 64a409 -> 64a406
> at the tips... 100+ inches, going from 250 to 150MM.... not sure as to
> whether it will be powered or an a pure sailplane yet.
> Looking at the airfoil 'behavior' on the web, I think it will be a good
> performer, but anyone have any input?  An aero friend on mine thinks that it
> might be touchy re stalling, but I'm not sure that I get that from the
> graphs...
> Anyone?  And if you're curious, the airfoils are the same as on the U2 /
> TR1:  I've always loved that plane....
> Brent

Lincoln Ross
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