Russ, you're not crazy!! I fly Mode 1 too and there is no doubt on my mind and on minds of another 85% of all RC fliers around the globe who also fly Mode 1  that Mode 1 is superior to Mode 2.

Ed Skorepa

 Russ Young <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

Call me crazy, but I fly Mode 1 (elevator on the left, aileron on the right)
and am constantly changing my trims while flying, mostly when in a thermal
turn, I'll adjust my elevator to full up-trim. I am hating the thought of
going to one of the radios that have the digital trim controls where the
control never leaves am I going to "feel" where the trim is?
I also like a lot of control throw on my much so, that I can
actually fly quite smoothly by using my left thumb on the left elevator trim
and my right thumb on the right aileron trim.

It may be a bad habit, but I've been doing OK on the contest circuit since I
started flying again in 1998.

Russ Young
Bellevue WA

----- Original Message -----
From: "Oscar Taboada" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Soaring@Airage. Com" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 2:34 PM
Subject: [RCSE] trim vs stick

> Hi,
> after some years where I learned to fly alone (with the help of this
> I have been meeting some glider pilots in other city and they have adviced
> me that once I trim my sailplane I should never touch the trims.
> they said that because they noticed I use to move the trims , for example,
> when I enter into a thermal I set a bit the left trim and more on the up
> elevator, that way it seems to me I keep the glider more stable than if I
> try to stay with permanent use of the radio stick, also I avoid this way
> drain my batteries at the plane so soon.
> However, I would like to know what you use to do.. Is the use of the trims
> bad habit I need to modify ? or most of you use to modify along your
> as I do?
> thanks and best regards
> Oscar Taboada
> Mexico
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