Well, I dunno.

What you seem to be asking is:  "I know the 'duck' is not the best
antenna, but is it 'good enough'?".  Well, "Is it?"

The makers of your radio most likely don't make the antenna.  They have to
buy it.  When designing the transmitter, they have options.  The antenna
they use is a practical compromise.  Certainly, there are better antennae
then the telescoping whip we usually see on the tranny.  It is a decent
antenna, is not too expensive and is not so cumbersom so as to be un
wieldy.  Obviously, a shorter antenna is more desirable then a long one.
If a 'duck' satisfied their requirements, wouldn't you think they would
use one, or at least offer one?

Just my $.02 worth.

.........bc    ([EMAIL PROTECTED]

Williamsburg, VA 23185

On Sun, 29 Sep 2002, Dave Seay wrote:

> I lost a 2M moldie yesterday.  Had flown it 6 times that morning without a
> problem.  On the 'last' launch, the controls were, in hind-sight, a little
> eratic during the launch and it seemed I have no control as it completed the
> launch.  The plane spiraled in.... boom!  I use a Stylus with a rubber duck
> attenna about 2 years old.
> After the the crash, we did a range check (difficult to get anything meaning
> full w/ the duck installed.  Changing to the regular antenna leaving it
> down, the range check was good).  We checked out the batteries and they were
> good.  Patchworking the connectors back together, everything seemed to work
> except one flap servo (although it is working today!)  However, both flaps
> were in the fully retracted position so it is unlikely that was the problem.
> There were several possibilities but nothing we could definitely say as the
> point.
> So, this AM I did a better range check in the street in front of my house
> and wanted to pass the results to the group and ask for opinions.  The
> distance from my house to the end of the street is a straight shot between 2
> and 3/10's of a mile ( probably about 1250') withou;t any cars or other
> obstructions.  Using the duck, the servos went snakey at about 1000' and
> that's with the tip pointed at the plane (tried the side too).  I swapped
> out the duck for the standard antenna and had full control all the way to
> the end of the street.
> The regular antenna is obviously better than the duck but is this an unfair
> test?
> Thanks,
> Dave
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