
Sorry, but I just have to ask.  Did Ya Have Fun?

See Ya,

Pat McCleave
Wichita, KS

Ps, I feel your pain, I lost a pristine Tragi 702C this year to an unexplained shoot 
down at one of our Fun Flys.
> From: "Perry Hudson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Mon, 14 Oct 2002 06:49:30 GST+8
> Subject: [RCSE] Reply to the Hoopes message
> Hey Hoopes.
> Stop your sniviling.
> I was the # 1 shooting victim in the first three minute round of the contest..
> I was on final approach for a perfect first round when I went in like a duct
> on opening day.
> My day started out with bad Karma!
> I was going into the ice box in front of the fifth wheel to get something when
> I cracked my head open on the under frame.
> After the bleeding stopped I decided to cook breakfast on my coleman stove.
>  As I was sturing my ho bo skillet the frigging stove blew up sending my breakfast
> on to the grass in flames.  
> After I stomped the fire out and cleaned up the mess they called the pilot meeting.
>  I was in flight group D.  
> As I was going into the dirt from about 100 ft. All of a sudden I saw my pride
> and joy spiraling in and those eight months of four days a week of practice
> and hopes of a level five win evaporated in front of my eyes.
> After the plane hit the dirt and I realized that all was lost I launched the
> transmitter to see how far it would fly.  Looked like about 50 ft.
> No one came forward to offer me a back up plane.
> No one came up and offered me a re flight.
> No one offered the sympathy I was looking for.
> As I told Larry what happened he did nothing, she said nothing. He  just looked
> at me as I tore up my score card in front of his face and threw it on the ground.
> Un sportsman like conduct ? Maybe , I was pissed to say the least.
> Someone in my group said that it could be worse.  I think I bit their head off
> and pulled their heart out through the hole.
> Yes, they were right it could be worse.  Let's see , 
> My Carrer is over (Corporate Down Sizing)
> My fortune gone Market Crash
> House gone , Wife gone, Dog gone.
> And diagnosed with cancer.
> Yes, it could be worse.
> >
> >The Frigging goverment could say no more R/C flying.
> I will be back next year but I will be flying my most ugly piece of shit airplane
> that flies good  in case I get shot down again.
> You can bet you ass I will ask the question at the pilot meeting,  What is the
> ruling on  shot downs during the contest.
> I wonder what the guy said that begged for a week off , flew 2500 mies , rented
> a room at the rip off in, rented a U haul truck to haul his stuff back and forth
> and gets shot down in the first round and is not allowed to re fly the flight?
>  You think he is coming back next year????? He will probably go to the dog show
> with his wife.  
> Enough,  guess I'll go fllying and relax a little.
> Regards,Perry
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