I Talked to my secrete Chicago Contact last night and I gotta warn ya !!
It looks like most of the Chicago club is coming. about 10 !
They are coming to Cincinnati to take our wonderful Pumpkin Trophies home with them, this weekend !!!
We can not allow this We must protect our Pumpkins !!
We can not allow anyone to take away from the 22nd Annual Great Pumpkin Fly at the Cincinnati Soaring Society site.
http://www.cincinnatisoaring.org/, has a list of hotels and such where these outta towners will be staying and eating.
We may also get 1 maybe 2 from Pittsburgh; at least 1 confirmed from Dayton; Maybe 2 from Atlanta,, but I doubt it, cause they can't find their way !!
Maybe 2 from Tullahoma; 1 from North Carolina and 2 from Louisville.
Heck, who knows where they are coming from, possibly any and every where. I Mean it is the areas Last Blast and a heck of a way to end our flying season.
This has the makings of a LSF Level V contest, there will be plenty of people, and could be Steve Siebenaler's "Today " contest.
So if we get a whole bunch more people that we counted on, The cook, Joe Dirr, may have to dunk more than two turkeys for lunch on Saturday and Sunday.

You will need to add these numbers o what you have...

Just thought I would let you know, a head of time, that a crowd is coming to give the new winch equipment a real work out.....
With the seeded MOM venue, we are sure to get in a bunch of flying.

I will see you there, to help you protect your Pumpkin !!

Jack Strother LSF President
Loveland, OH LSF 2948
LSF Level IV
CSS Silver

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