As opposed to following advice about how well another particular system
seemed to work without fault, do yourself a big favor and perform a
proper range test. 

Every install is different, every TX/RX RF relationship is different,
and especially the environment you fly in is different. So, install the
antenna in the CF boom and find maximum range. Now immediately repeat
the exact same test, in the exact same manner, with the antenna
positioned outside of the boom layed out in it's intended position. It
critical to perform exactly the same tests in both configurations,
otherwise the results are meaningless. 

This is not rocket science. I can gaurantee that a CF boom that
envelopes the majority of our types of RX antennas will adversly affect
range by reducing sensitivity. Now whether the reduction of sensitivity
still leaves enough headroom for "proper" operation (ie; very little
loss of communication - most would be surprised how often data is
interrupted to their precious aircraft) is at best a guess. If in doubt
run the antenna outside the boom with a single twist around said boom
from TE to stab LE. It's real easy to secure with 1/4" pin stripping in
your favorite color.

Just because an aircraft has not exibited behavior that would indicate
loss of communication, does not mean it is not occurring. The question
then becomes "does it matter"? Probably not, except when that extra
headroom by configuring your system for maximum range might be the
difference between ramaining in control, or crashing.

It will always pay to take all measures to ensure best range, because
never know when it may come in handy: 

Flyer #1: So...what caused your moldie to go in?
Flyer #2: Not sure...might have been the antenna inside the carbon boom.
Flyer #1: Why would you put it in there in the first place with all the
          evidence that points to reduced sensitivity?
Flyer #1: It looked nicer.

           Simon Van Leeuwen, Calgary, Alberta
                     RADIUS SYSTEMS
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