From: Mark Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Re: Gotta Love Ebay - off topic but airplane related

Wow...a blast from the past! Back in 1973 this B-25 . . . wanted $3,000 . . . had the cash . . .  backed out . . .  here is my old bird again . . .  just another junky old plane."  --Mark

Mark!  You aren't supposed to touch dead birds--immune themselves, they are host to diseases that plague man. 

Seems the disease that you contracted is of a very unusual nature.  SAD !!  As I don't know of any possibility of a cure.  There is a name for it though, Isthmus Disease and there is a page on the Internet that covers it ; I would advise you go there and post them for help and regular updates so you know what model of the strain is the next to watch out for.

It is really difficult for me to feel sorry for you--it is such a benefit to the rest of us, that YOU got it.  While my sympathy for you is limited, I CAN empathize :-( , my own strain is under control right now!  It is not a cure but it does make limited remission possible: NEGLECT !!  Don't build, don't fly and don't drool over any flying related materials, magazines, pictures, plans or especially kits in the closet or hangar queens in the ceiling--uncharged batteries, Tx's laying in sight or birds waiting to go outside. 

Neglect is only a pacifier, read "placebo," because remission is only temporary, stay up with RCSE or SAL or both--it makes you think you are still with it, or more correctly "feel" like you are still with it, while allowing you the luxury of carrying out your responsibilities--keeping your job, your conscience clean and the wife happy !!

A Blessed HOLYday Season to you all and may the New Year, for all the ominous pending rather BE a Good One for the World of the FREE !!

Paul Clark, SKY PILOT, Osaka, Japan    (AMA # 53 777 1)   (dated)

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