At 08:23 AM 1/19/03 -0700, you wrote:
A while back there was a post about hi starts.  Someone put out a link that
had some info on figuring the pounds of pull needed for a given size a/c.
If anyone remembers this, I'd appreciate the link.  I've searched the
archives and google just can't seem to find it.

Hi Charlie,

Responding on-line in case someone else might like to know - hope you don't mind.

Rich Hollyday used to sell some really good hi-starts (I own one) and, although he doesn't anymore, still maintains his site with a lot of info on it. Try On the left under the flag are several areas of interest to select from and within some of them are links elsewhere. The one at the Charles River site is particularly good as is everything else there. Aerofoam picked up the hi-start line Rich used to carry - try

Hope this helps.


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