
Here in Spokane, WA, members of the Inland Empire Soaring Society are very
excited about participating in a S400 LMR contest, ever since one of our
club members (Guy Russo) won the national event. Admittedly, one motivation
is to see if we can finally find a way to beat Guy at SOMETHING, ANYTHING.
We usually claim he wins because he is flying the best and latest models (I
saw him get a precision 9 minutes in cloudy, dead air with his new Sharon
Pro, which he says should be named "unfair advantage" (hope I haven't given
away too much here, Guy)). As you say, S400 LMR airplanes can be had
inexpensively, and a contest can be run with minimal equipment.

We have at least 10 members with S400 models on order, under construction,
or ready to go.

We are planning on an 8 cell format.

Dave Moore

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