["Thank You!" for the space/read, and SASS says "Thank You!"  I am in kahoots with Sherman/SASS.  I don't know how the RCSE so messed over my last post--it came out fine in the SAL & Allegro-lite groups.]

CONTINUED support in posts and letters is needed until this has been seen through.  Sherman is working this case like he was going to The Supreme Court with it--and it is taking THIS kind of effort to make the difference.  Below is an update, but also a glimpse of what SASS is up against in keeping park, park, and PARTICULARLY for RC SOARING!

"Sportfans, .. all those letters I asked you to write to the Redmond City Council and the Mayor?  ... The City of Redmond is sponsoring a letter Tuesday night to __ :-) __ Ron Sims.  ...  Sims is really set in his ways.  An appearance at this meeting may be more important than we all realize. ... If you appear, make sure that you sign in and take a copy of your letter with you and submit it if possible.   [This clip helps you understand the issues faced and to help with your letters.] The group needs a speaker to state, there must be other better sites, We have been there for 30 years,  We are good stewards of the site but will be forced to leave if the air space restrictions of the turd plant occur, there are no other places to fly in King County,  Sailplanes and power planes do not mix and that we are there to protect the freeflight and rocket guys also.  This is a 36 million demonstration facility and Duval is a better solution."  --Sherman Knight  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"Subject: This is a summary of the Boondoggle over the King County Department of Natural Resources attempt to put a human sewage treatment plant at 60 Acres Park, The Flying Field. The bottom line is that Paul Allen's golf course wants taxpayer subsidized water. King County Executive Ron Sims is in Paul Allen's pocket, and is cooperating in corrupt, Enron style, power games.

"Billionaire Paul Allen and his brother-in-law are co-owners of the Willows Run Golf Course, next to 60 Acres South Park. They want our flying site park turned into a human sewage water reclamation plant to water his golf course, so their golf course won't have to keep fighting the State Ecology Dept. over their efforts to stop it from pumping water out of the Samammish Slough. (The golf course uses 50 million gallons of water per year, water salmon need to spawn.)
The golf course is the only customer in sight for the recycled water. But it doesn't want to pay for the plant. It only wants to buy less than half its water, at about half the rate for fresh water. It would pay about $60,000 per year (according to the February 22 Seattle Times article by Nick Perry.).  That wouldn't even cover maintenance costs. It wouldn't touch the $2.2 million interest (at 6%) on the $37 million price tag for the plant."
"Metropolitan King County Councilwoman Kathy Lambert, whose district includes the golf course, said that the project is 'a very unnecessary boondoggle.' A test facility, to train workers ahead of the county's much larger $1.3 billion Brightwater sewage treatment plant, due to open in 2010, could be built elsewhere for much less,' she said, 'Paul Allen can afford to buy his water from anywhere he wants to, including Saudi Arabia if he chose,' Lambert said. 'We will never recoup the money. Never.'"
[posts by SASS member Philip R Patten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  to Redmond City Council.]

Another SASS member Vaughn Entwistle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> posted:  "
If this project is ever built, it will be an obvious candidate for a 'Golden Fleece Award.'"

Again from Sherman,"Fellow soaring enthusiasts, Seattle is in danger of loosing its soaring site.  The current field is approximately 15 acres of mowed grass, surrounded by a golf course, soccer fields and open field.  It is about as perfect as it can get [and it is as crucial to keep this site as it was to hold out for Eagle Butte & Torrey Pines].  The Seattle Area Soaring Society has been flying on this site since 1971."

Ron Sims <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  (vigorously resisting--vested interests showing--post a PROTEST!!)
Kathy Lambert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   (working vigorously to move or cancel the project--post a "Thank You!")

Paul Clark, SKY PILOT, Osaka, Japan    (AMA # 53 777 1)
http://www.kcat.zaq.ne.jp/skypilot/  (dated)

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