You bet!
Today a friend of mine went to our Slope in Frankfort (that's Kentucky) to do some DSing.
When he forgot to call the rest of us, we threatened to sue him but since none of us are lawyers, and couldn't sign on to get sage opinions from guys who should be building or flying on the RCSE, instead we just packed up our planes and joined him!

71 degree,  good air and energy, we flew till 5pm and headed home to grumble about missing some of the early air  :-)

There ought to be a law!  I will be creating a petition to send to AMA so that they can take it to the StuckatHome Security people... :-)

Synergy 5 was rocking and a Mark Mech Avro Vulcan were sweet groovers today!  Okay that other guy was flying a Wizard Compact pretty well too :-)

Wish you guys could have been there!
TD tomorrow!  The wife left the state for a week!!!!! :-)

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