Check out the F3X.COM website "consignment" page for moldies for sale (some are RTF). I have a Pike Plus Light (CF D-tube, 2 piece V-tail, Red/Black) listed there. What I don't have listed anywhere yet (since it's my current contest ship) is a Zenith (carbon, red/black) with or without 4 or 6 digital JR's:$850/$1080/$1200. Also possibly a Starlight 2000 (full CF, MH-32, Red/Black, basically an "Escape" clone--4 or 6 servo wing) w/ or w/o 6 Volz $750/$1000. Skeg boxes installed in the Zenith and Starlight for removable skeg. I've have committed orders for a couple new planes  (Pike), so I need to make room.

Ben Clerx

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