Just finished my Sierra 100" Arthobby plane and it came out at 45oz RTF.
Given work and weather I was only able to hand toss it in the park. The
plane is quite fast as it flew nicely some 150ft forward into a 10 mph head
wind from an energetic toss. So, it does what I expected and what is
advertised. Things looked good! 

Now for the stupid part on my side. The plane still needed some little
things done like antenna straightened in the fuse, servo cans screwed
rather than taped etc. AND I needed to shrink the electrical shrink wrap
around the wires leading into the nice green Multiplex style 6-point female
plug that goes into the male one on the bottom of the wing. Did all that,
and then decided that I'd protect the wires going into the plug by adding a
big shrink wrap around all six wires. 

To further improve  the effects of the big shrink wrap I also poured a lot
of medium CA glue inside the cavity (i.e.., at the back of the plug inside
the shrink wrap) to prevent the wrap from ever moving. I'm positively sure
that it never will. However, you already guessed, the CA also went through
the plug and clogged the holes on the other side. After using all
swear-words in my vocabulary at least twice I used debonder and tried
poking the CA out with syringe needles - all to no real avail as the
contacts remain intermittent.

I had been frantically finishing this plane for the last few nights to take
on a trip along I64 to Washington and back (something that also may be
cancelled due to the war), and I was to leave tomorrow night. Of course I
also don't have a spare plug available, and even though I have already
placed an order to Multiplex, it won't be in time. Also, the male part is
superbly glued into the wing without much wiring slack, so taking it out
and replacing it by two deans plugs won't work either without re-doing all

Is there anyone near Springfield IL who would have one of those green
Multiplex 6-point plugs (female) that I could beg/borrow/ steal TOMORROW
until mine arrive?

--- Rense Lange

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