<<Gavin Botha turned a 13.97 for his best time, Daryl
15.11, Darrell Zaballos a 15.33 and Mike Lachowski a
17.35.  Take it 
from me, 
these guys were smokin the course.>>

Ummmmm.... exsqueeze me??????????? Not that I'm
competitive by nature or anything..... but I believe
my best was in the 14.57 second range, with an average
for the day of 15.33 and nothing slower than a
16.07.... ;-)
We had extreme conditions. 

All honesty aside, Gavin flew the most beautiful 13.97
I've ever seen. Clean, smooth, nailed the turns - it
was a perfect run. He left nothing on the table. 

The team looks very good - I'm very impressed with the
abilities of the pilots, and optimistic of their
chances to bring home some wood, or should I say
metal?????? ;-)

Check out the website if you are so inclined. Buy a
shirt - we could seriously use your support. 

Daryl - have to relinquish my title as Speed King - Perkins

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