> Which servos were used?  Look at the loads, 1 kg at 10 mm that's .4 inch arm
> with a 2.2 pound load hanging off the end, limited to 1 amp current.  I
> guarantee I could let the smoke out of a bunch of servos like that.

Unless my math is wrong (no coffee yet, so a real possibility) 2.2 pounds (1
kg) = 35.2 ounces.

At a 0.4 inch arm (10 mm) this gives a torque of:

0.4 inches x 35.2 ounces = 14.08 inch-ounces

Doesn't sound like a huge load to me.

If I was smoking servos at that load I would be very concerned. This is only
33% to maybe 25% of the rated torque of most of our glider type servos.

As far as the amperage, again, the 1 amp load is reasonable. I have
calculated that on my Artemis (6 multiplex digitals - 4 FL's and 2 Micro BB)
I have an average flight current draw of 7 mA/min. This is a current load of
approximately 420 mA. On my large scale aerobatic planes (8 JR 8411 servos)
I get a load of more like 1.5 amps during flight (25 mA/min average draw).

Having said that, I would still very much like to see all the test data and
conditions. Without that you cannot really determine if the test results are
meaningful to your situation.

In my experience I have only had 2 servos fail outright, 2 FMA super micros,
and they went right out of the box. I had a Hitec 225 MG die after 5 years
of hard use and I have lost 2 Graupner 3241 servos (my fault - turns out the
Graupner servos dislike 6 volts while the JR equivalent digital is just fine
with it).

To me the most important factors are centering, holding torque, and speed.
In that order. Life issues are not a concern since I do not think I have
ever really gotten more than the one Hitec to go to EOL in real life use.
And 5 years is pretty good. I should have changed it out before that.

Bill Malvey


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