Some awesome flying today.  There were 5 flight groups flying man on man.  The last 2 flight groups got buried in the last round. Group 4 was buried by Jack Strother when he snuck away in a thermal by himself.  And in Group 5 Tom Kallevang and Mike Remus put a hurt on their fellow contestants that dare to keep up with them.  Tom and Jack flew the ICON and Mike Remus flying a Sharon.  Oh yea and Barry was flying the Zenith.

Day 1
1. Tom Kallevang
2. Mike Remus
3. Barry Anderson

The winds never got much above 10 mph all day.  Lift was scattered and light.  Only a couple
rounds had "dummy" air.

We flew five rounds.
1. 10 min
2. 10 min
3. 12 min
4. 15 min
5. 10 min

Almost an hour of flying.  I got away on a couple flights and probably flew some of the highest flights I have ever flown.  Maybe 3000' feet!   I wish I had the LoLo setup for the Escape.

Watch for more details and pics either on or


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