> The point is that an unpressurized area of a plane is still not going to be
> at the same pressure as the static pressure outside.

These are all valid points and ones that I had in mind when I started asking
about the LoLo. I have one coming so I can get some experience with it and
do a little experimentation to see what its sensitivities are.

But, having said all that, at least we will have a real world comparison. I
assume that the Falcon will have a fairly accurate altimeter that is
properly configured. Once they land they can compare what the cockpit
instrument said versus what the LoLo recorded. Then we can begin to
understand the accuracy and precision of the LoLo.

I cannot wait to see the results. I love data. So much more fun than theory,
conjecture, and worse yet, anecdotes.

My favorite saying is:

"The plural of anecdote is NOT data".

Let us know what you get Sheldon - good or bad.
Bill Malvey


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