I did 12 launches (mostly due to bad landings, about 3-6 inches too short), Joe 
did 11 launches on the first day (holes 1-9). On the second day I did 10 
launches and Joe did 12 launches (holes 10-18). The record was/is 10 launches 
according to the people who attended golf in previous years. So we did not set a 
new record :-(
Joe did a heroic effort and made hole #16 (?) in one throw from the T that is 
almost completely surrounded by trees. I did not want to risk the plane and did 
a javelin throw on that hole. So theoretically it is possible to do the entire 
course in 18 throws!
HLG golf is a lot of fun! Unfortunately we had very low attendance on the second 
day :-(

>That was too funny, everyone decided Oleg was too sober at this hole.  Oleg 
>did shoot an 11 on the course, I think that is a new record.  Man, can Oleg 
>launch!!!  (or should that be drive?)
>Good Fun!!!
>More HLG Golf pictures and video this evening...  (I need more server space)

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