> My six plane canidates are:
> Viking (Mk. I or Mk. II)
> Legionair (whenever it becomes available)
> Marauder
> Paragon
> Challenger
> Astro-Jeff
> I am open to any write in canidates as well if you would like to 
> something. Would be interested in hearing your likes, dislikes, 
> stories or anything else for that manner.
I built a Paragon last winter and flew it this summer for both 30 
minute LSF3 flights and the 1K XC flight as well as the RES and NOS 
nats.  I like the Paragon a lot, and find it fits my flying style 
well.  You probably already heard this, but there were 2 Paragons in 
the top 5 in NOS this year and a Challenger won the event.  The 
Challenger is a real nice plane.  I'm assuming one would unplug the 
flaps to make it RES legal?  The pilot that won NOS also flew the 
Challenger in RES and was in the top 10.  

If you do build a Paragon, be sure to add carbon to the spars.  I did 
this on mine, and the wing is quite stout.  Many folks only fly NOS 
type ships in nice conditions, but at the Nats this year there was an 
8+ mph wind and quite a few models shed parts on launch.  If you are 
planning to contest with one of these planes try to find somebody 
that has built one and flew it in 15+ mph winds and pick their brain 
on what kind of mods (if any) they did.  I have flown my Paragon in 
conditions like this and can attest the wing is quite strong with the 
extra carbon I added.  I laminated a multilayer (tapered) 3 ounce 
unidirectional carbon spar to the spruce that came with the kit.   

I'm assuming you are planning on adding spoilers to whatever you 
choose to build.  This would certainly be the way to go, even if you 
were not planning on competing. I made my first two flights with the 
Paragon before I had put the spoiler linkages in, and found myself 
quite high and wanting to burn off altitude.  


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