As far as I can tell, this all started with a discussion between people who either 
liked to see serious written articles, pretty much regardless of the quality of the 
accompanying pictures, and someone who embraces the fact that glossy pictures will be 
even more important in the future than they already seem to be right now. 

Some people fly sailplanes just for fun, like kites. Others make them into engineering 
or science projects. Still others are doing this as a sport, not unlike, say, bicycle 
racing. Don't most of us have something from all three approaches? So, couldn't we 
just (a) say that all these types of people are perfectly acceptable flyers and/or 
club members; and then (b) write more good serious articles to be printed for those 
who like reading; and (c) print pretty pictures anywhere else for those who like to 
see airplane pictures? It would seem that all sides have something to offer.

Rense Lange
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