I don't know about everyone else's experiences, but I have been flying since 1977 and don't recall ever using a 6 volt winch.  I think 12 volt winches with long-shaft Ford starter motors were the standard by then.  I built my own 12 volt winch about the time the Bird of Time plans were published in RCM in 1979.  (Although the BoT design probably originated some years before this, when 6 volt winches may have been more the norm)  My winch, like many, had no brake of any sort, so, besides just launching the airplane, part of the challenge was avoiding a major backlash.  I remember using such winches to launch the Aquila, Oly II, Bird of Time, etc. as well as more fragile 2 meter planes such as the Gentle Lady.  In virtually every case, there was plenty of power in the winch to break the wings of any plane we flew.   You had to use it appropriately.
Indeed the point is that you cannot launch these older planes like a modern composite plane.  What you have to do is develop actual skill in launching, using your eyes, ears, foot, hands, and (especially) brain, simultaneously! You must learn to pulse the winch appropriately for the airplane's construction and strength, wind conditions, observed behavior of the plane, etc.  (Kind of like driving a 350 HP car in city traffic, right?)
Composite materials have now allowed full-on launches, with comparatively little skill required in winch operation. The fact that such launches will break the wing of a spruce/balsa/Monokote glider is indicative of lack of understanding and operator skill, not of faulty design. There is actually a reasonable margin between the forces applied during a good, high launch of these older planes and the forces that will break the wing. (That said, faulty construction and poor materials selection can diminish or eliminate this margin, even for someone with appropriate skill and experience in launching.)
-Ben Hocker

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 11:52 AM
Subject: Re: [RCSE] BoT Replacements

I often see new comers with planes such as Oly II's, Spirits, Gentle Lady's, Paragons, etc. using, or trying to use zoom launches. The zoom launch is not required or even very efficient for such planes. Better technique is to tap the switch to slow down the launch speed thereby using less line and just let the plane fly off at the top. Many of these planes are broken because beginners haven't been told that their planes require a different launch than the modern composite ships. Also, the current winches use very heavy line and usually have a retrieving attached.
REMEMBER THIS. When the Bird of Time was designed and flown those of us that had winches had SIX VOLT winches. The rest used hi-starts. Any BOT will break if launched like a modern ship on a modern winch.
Mike Clancy

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