Most times the buzzinis from dirty pots.

After doing a couple of hundred servo repairs of all brands, the dirty pot thing has clearly been put to rest as a urban legend in todays servos.

IF the cause is mechanical (versus from RF feedback) its always from the motor. Stalled servos, servos working under the stress of 5 cells, or just high use, chars the motor's 'brushes' and comutator plates.

That makes the motor weaker, and while the amp (digi or otherwise) is telling the motor to move, the motor just doesn't have the stuff...at that spot.

Since the motors use Ferrite magnets, heated servos from the above energy sources can weaken the motor's horse power.

Buzzing servos aren't a good thing, it speeds the servo's aging substantially. Whether it's singing or buzzing.

So that brings us to the question, what is the value equation? How long should a servo work as good as new for the money charged for that servo?
$20= 20 days of use (figuring 60mins flight time per day) = $1 per day?
then at 21 days it starts buzzing, or gets weak, or gets some gear lash?

In any case the whole buzzing thing usually ends up going to 'pot' ...not :-)


Somehow I just knew you would know everything Gordy Im now sorry i answered someone on this list cause you know it all


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