Jon Stone sent out a few good questions last week. I was out of touch so I am 
a bit late in replying, but here is what I think. Thanks for the bandwidth.

Rob Glover

What are my goals for the LSF for the next few years?

The LSF Soaring Accomplishment Program is first and foremost. I'd like to 
explore ways to get more folks involved in it, and get the folks who are already 
involved in it more active. 

Acting as the AMA Soaring SIG is another important thing to keep up with. I 
believe that the LSF should actively push for events at all levels that 
compliment the Soaring Accomplishments Program. 

I'd like to see more LSF task days held, something like the power guys would 
call a fun fly but with an emphasis on getting signatures on vouchers. 

We have a pretty good contest schedule in many parts of the country, I'd like 
to say attaboy to all the CD's and local workers who make it happen. I'd like 
to hunt for areas that need more contests and encourage local folks to have 

We need to do some housekeeping as far as the bylaws are concerned.

I'd like to see better communications between the members, to include the 
officers. This should be pretty easily done for those with Internet access and an 
interest. And the US Postal Service still works pretty well, even if the cost 
is greater.

What do I want to change?

I'd like to clean up the bylaws. 

I'd like to update the membership database to include electronic addresses 
for those who have access. I'd like to see Shortlines and other important 
communications mailed to those who do not have electronic access. 

I believe that changes will come from the membership and the organization 
will evolve as needed. Change in any healthy organization should be an organic 
process, commonly called growth. I personally like the "new" events Nostalgia 
and RES because I love to see folks build and fly their own planes. These events 
are perfect examples of organic changes that have been fostered by past and 
current LSF administrations. Hooray and let's keep it up!

I'd like to facilitate the change of more of our members to higher 
accomplishment levels.

What to I want to keep the same?

I will do my best to keep the blue voucher sheet and the SAP exactly the same 
as it's been as long as I can remember. I am stubborn about this one.

I strongly believe that one thing we should all be proud of is the high level 
of sportsmanship and camaraderie that we all see in this sport. I'll do my 
best to see that this is fostered.

I will do whatever is in my power to keep the current cadre of NATS 
volunteers happy and coming back to Muncie every summer. This includes begging Valeta 
for more cookies.

What are my thoughts on how the NATS should be run?  What events would I 
drop, increase, decrease, etc., and why?  (we all know this might stir up a 
hornets nest).

Hornet's nest is right. No way to do this without stepping on somebody's 
toes, but here goes. I believe that the LSF should keep several things in mind 
when picking events to schedule for the NATS. 

What makes the Soaring NATS work is the support we get from the volunteers 
who do all the work. The first folks that I listen to are the ones who are doing 
the work to run the event. I don't like to see cliques running an 
organization, but I don't see the volunteer workers as a clique because anybody is 
welcome to join in the fun.

We also need to keep the AMA satisfied. They are giving us great support in 
Muncie. The sight is beautiful and they let us use it several times a year, not 
just for the NATS. We have a pretty good working relationship with the AMA 
and it has been a beneficial relationship for both the AMA and the LSF. The LSF 
cannot make summary decisions regarding the NATS, we need AMA support.

We have to pay attention to the market, which means that if we have an event 
that has 50 entries and needs more room, and another event that has 10 entries 
the smaller event will suffer. I don't have any personal ax to grind here but 
those entry forms dictate what we need to do.

Another thing that we need to keep in mind is which events support our 
Soaring Accomplishment Program. XC may not get as many entries as F3B, but we are 
after all the LSF and not the FAI. If it's a near tie as to number of entries 
I'll push for the events that get signatures on vouchers.

One of the great things about AMA NATS is that it is an Open Event. That 
means that any AMA member can come fly without having to qualify. This brings a 
lot of fun folks out of the hinterlands that I enjoy meeting. I like events that 
support this, RES and Nostalgia being examples.  

Given the choice I'd drop Scale (I don't see this as being very controversial 
based on the past several years attendance records). 

I'd have to look real close at F3B. If the interest is there then I am all 
for it, but if we don't get the entries I'd lose it. I fully realize that it is 
a wonderful event, but there may be more popular wonderful events. 

I'd hang on to 2 meter, again based on attendance. People keep telling me 
that friends don't let friends fly 2 meter. I realize that there aren't many 
local events for 2 meter. But for 2 days at the NATS it draws a crowd and they all 
have a great time with it. Maybe these folks know something you don't. There 
are a bunch of blue sheets that get signed off on these days.

RES is popular and growing, as Nostalgia seems to be. I'd like to see these 
events get a day each or perhaps share 2 days instead of the one day they 
currently share.

I'd like to see us support XC as long as a dozen or more teams show up. I've 
gotten to sign a couple of blue forms at the NATS XC event, and I love signing 
those forms. That's what the LSF is really all about, and if the LSF doesn't 
get to bias things at the NATS in the LSF's favor then what's the point of 
doing it?

What bylaws changes do I propose and why?

We need to amend the bylaws to take into account electronic communications. 
Electronic distribution of Shortlines and the elections process need to be 
accounted for in the bylaws. The reason to do this is to save money and improve 
our internal communications. I do not believe that we should require electronic 
communications, but we should allow them.

Do I believe changes should be made to the LSF achievement program?

Absolutely not. I will resist any change to the Soaring Achievement Program. 
Down to the last jot and tittle.

Do I believe the way officers are elected and members are eligible to vote, 
(should) be changed or remain the same?

I believe that the voter qualifications are fine the way they are. 

I would change the procedures spelled out in the bylaws to account for 
electronic communications, voting and nominations. 

I believe that mail in ballots must also be made available to those who do 
not have or desire to use electronic means for this purpose.

As far as changing the elections cycle I don't think that it's currently 
broke, but I am not opposed to the proposed changes that I am currently hearing 
discussed. If a proposal comes forward I'll be happy to listen to all arguments 
and judge it on merit.

happy trails - Rob Glover
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