    Don't Bogard the secrets!  My Sailaire Kit is Number 2 on the winter build list.  Just have to finish off a 60" Sloper.
Phil in Vancouver
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, October 20, 2003 7:01 AM
Subject: [RCSE] Mods for Sailaire wing needed

I am building a replacement for my aging 1976 wing on my Sailaire.  I would like to here from anyone who has made mods, nostalgia legal that have stiffened the wing up. I am starting with a Dream Catcher wing kit.  I am replacing the spruce for some from Superior balsa.  The wing will have two 5/16 wing rods.
Cal Posthuma
President of WMSS
Michigan Soaring League Secretary
LSF Coordinator for WMSS
AMA LSFV   LSF 2997 Amateur Radio Operator KA8CLD
AMA Leader Member and Contest Director
AMA District 7
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Phone: 616-997-1905   Cell: 616-240-3972

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