You know those ucky unfair Thermal Duration trick landings, with way too much point emphasis on landing points?
The guys who currently participate (read that 'do it' ), get up on Saturday mornings at about 5 am to travel hundreds of miles in order to make the pilots meeting of those oh so unfair non soaring events with the idea of whipping any tasks assigned.
In many cases they do it every weekend during the season.

They spend thousands on gas getting there, a bunch on food, and motels. In the case of national events we travel thousands of miles, and spend thousands of bucks.

Add into that the cost of our ships, servos, and top of the line radios....
and have been, and will continue to, in order to attempt to complete the crappy tasks and scoring systems assigned that morning.

We do it., We pay for it, we work for that money to pay for it to do it.  Excuse us if we wonder why someone not doing it would feel compared to comment on something they aren't involved in and can't possibly understand the fun and challenge of.

We CHOSE to participate, no one forces us to be involved.  We do it cuz its fun... trick, ungraceful landings or not :-)
Fee free to comment...IF you are involved.  I do :-)

Evansville tonite, St Louis Contest Saturday...340 miles from my house.

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