Happy New Year,

Greetings fellow soarheads! I went to the SWASA contest today just to have a look see. I was surprised by the people wanting to know what exactly happened that caused me to throw in the towel. I even heard there was a thread on liftzone and here on RCSE. Gee I thought it was still Sals Month!

So I can start the new year off and move on with life here it is. We decided to close in October 2003 after a call with Brian Shaw from Hitec where he told me that Multiplex / Hitec would not honor any more of our large industrial / defense servo orders because they did not know if Multiplex Germany could supply. Cathy and Marvin were with me on the call, we let him know that would be the death of us and it was. We owed them and others money (some of you are on the list I know you will be paid) that we would no be able to pay with the volume of MPX inventory they were able to supply. The one thing that does bother me a little is the concept, design and price concept of the Royal EVO radio I worked so hard for I do not even have one. :( I harbor no ill will towards Hitec they simply could not supply product in a timely fashion form MPX Germany, a situation I can fully understand.

I simply had to find another job. I arranged that Marvin take the R/C car track because I was so depressed I could not bring myself to even go over there. I went to work for a company that turned out to be a scam and am now getting ready to start a new position with an insurance company this month.

Hitec was gracious enough to take back some of the inventory to take off my bill with them but not all of it. Many of you know I had to sell off my TD planes to feed the kids. Boy can Mimi and Nathan EAT! I will try and get a table at the IMS AMA show next week to sell off the end trails of the inventory so I can get those I owe paid and perhaps pick up a TD plane and just do some flying. Having not flown a TD plane in two years now, I am looking forward to just hooking up a big old California thermal and getting back to a normal life.

Thanks for all you soarheads all have done over the years!
Deanne Thompson as soon as I can I will buy you a radio
George Joy I have your chargers I owe you for I will bring them to AMA
Doug Turner you car never did show up. SO we need to work it out.
And those I did not list here who I owe you will be paid.

Smooth Thermals,
Karlton Spindle

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