Title: Message
Thats great, but what the heck does gps stand for?
-----Original Message-----
From: Tom H. Nagel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, January 04, 2004 7:03 PM
Subject: [RCSE] GPS Cure--and a new RC term

    I coined the term GPS several years ago to describe the symptoms of sailplane withdrawal syndrome that tends to afflict those of us living north of the Mason-Dixon line.    It is sort of like seasonal affective disorder, but with twitchy thumbs to boot.
    Here in scenic central Ohio, scale jet guru Terry Nitsch has found a cure for GPS by organizing bi-weekly indoor electric flying sessions at a local golf dome.   He even got the managment to  make the golfers stop whacking balls while we are flying.   Now if he can just get the management to keep the heat on during these frosty Saturday night electron fests.
    I have been doing my part to keep the sailplane ranks represented by flying a GWS powered Chrysalis.   Don Harris flys all sorts of styrofoam board weirdness, as do other MOSS members.
    This season I have instituted a new RC sailplane tradition and also suggested some new RC sailplane terminology by flying the Chyrsl-Stick with a sprig of mistletoe taped underneath the fuselage.
    The new terminology?  
    (wait for it....)
 Guided Mistletoe.
    Happy new year to all.

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