I'm using MGI Photo Suite 8.1 to work with pictures. My camera is an Olympus 460 and the Camedia program that came with it moves data from the camera to a folder that I designate. From the folder and using the MGI program, I can trim, adjust brightness, etc. and give the picture a name, usually with the jpg extension and put it back in the folder from where I can display, send, etc.
Today, after taking some pics, I did the usual steps, but the new pics and also all my hundreds of old pics, will no longer display full screen for editing in the MGI program, but display as a picture in a small frame in the Olympus Camedia editing program. I didn't even know it existed, it looks very limited and I sure do not know how to use it. When I attempt to send any picture now the message "not a valid image file, etc." comes up and it will not display to look at from the Attach line on an e-mail.
Can anyone tell me and my friend Winston, (CC above) who usually bails me out of computer situations, how we can get me back to the MGI program as the default one for working with pictures?

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