> > BTW, not a lot of people know this,
> > but Orville and Wilbur used the metric system :-))
> So did 90 percent of the engineers on the US Mars
> mission (non)lander couple years ago.  =:O

But the measuring system mixup was not the real problem.

Management was the real problem.

The course errors were larger than expected and got bigger
with each correction. Do you think that you might go looking
for the problem BEFORE your spacecraft crashes into something?

NASA problem management;
1. There is no problem
2. There is no problem, really
3. We looked and don't see a problem
4. We have done this lots of times without a problem
5. OOPS!
6. It seems there might be a problem

Sorry for the shot at NASA but they have done this more than

michael N6CHV  AMA 77292
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