I attended a plenary meeting last night for the F3J Worlds this summer, looks like things are moving along. In fact it seems they are covering the bases on what needs to get done regarding people and infrastructure.

A number of teams have already signed up, but as usual most are leaving it until the last nano-second. Some have not been heard from at all, (the British for example). What's up guys?

The official website has seen no appreciable activity. One can assume from this that everyone is happy, and have all their ducks in a row. Great! On the other hand, if you do have issues, problems, queries, complaints, good wishes, then please log on and make your presence known. The lack of traffic makes one think no one is coming, even though we know otherwise.

We were discussing how many prefer their own secret practice areas, and whether it is the up to the teams/managers to discover and secure. Comments invited...but through the official forum please. Go to:


It has also been suggested that some may like to take in extra curricular activities, as there is lots of really cool stuff in the area. I curious whether anyone is interested.

The goal is to host at least 60 competitors. Essentially this is the number to which planning is working to. The sooner the teams make their intentions clear they are attending, the better it will be for everyone involved. Expect this year to have your equipment properly checked to meet all the rules...and stamped.

I also wonder whether everyone is on the same page as far as tow equipment. Here is another topic worthy of discussion at the official F3J forum.

It was also mentioned that very few will be camping onsite...is this true? It was also suggested that most competitors will be packing their own food/drink, no matter what the onsite concession has to offer. Comments?

Tow people....who is bringing a full compliment? Who needs tow people? More good questions that can be pursued in the forum.

As you can see, let's utilize the F3J forum and get the ball rolling.


Simon in Calgary

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