There has been some recent discussion concerning radios suited for DLG. I’d like to bring attention to a recent addition to the EVO Tutorial (version “C”) that allows for a unique DLG pre-set using the Multiplex EVO.

This scenario is suited for foils that benefit significantly from reflex during the launch phase.

Basically, in a nutshell, the scenario demonstrates how to program one of the side widget buttons to preset the rudder, the elevator and reflex the ailerons for launching.

What is unique about this approach is that the rudder and elevator move instantly with the press of the side button, but the ailerons transition slowly from normal to reflex positions in response to this same button. The transition time is programmed by the pilot.

At all times, however, the ailerons move instantly in response to the right axis stick (Mode 2) as well as the left axis stick (flaperon widget in this scenario), so there is never a concern about full control of the ailerons even during the launch phase.

If the pilot were so inclined, the elevator servo could also be set to transition slowly in response to the release of the side button as well.

The benefits of this scenario is a greatly reduced workload for catch-and-launch contest rounds as well as assisting in the smooth transition between vertical flight and horizontal flight after launch.

This scenario as well as the rest of the EVO Tutorial is available for download at The most recent version of the EVO Tutorial (now over 100 pages long) offers additional scenarios demonstrating servo sequencing for retracts, automatic flap to crow deployment on a single axis stick, snap roll programming, snap flap programming, and a dedicated chapter on programming full-house sailplanes.

Unlike other popular transmitter guides, the EVO Tutorial continues to be offered for free through the generous support of MultiplexUSA (aka HitecUSA).

Joedy Drulia
Shenandoah Valley, Virginia

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