What is the longest time between the time that a person
has lost sight of their plane and then regained sight
of it and brought it down safely.

Buddy Roos

I lost sight of an old Addiction for several minutes one afternoon. It was 
way high, and the durn thing bladed out on me getting back to the field. I 
searched the skies for a few minutes, and finally gave it up. I was loading the 
truck and just happened to look up, there it was a couple hunderd feet downwind 
and maybe 75 feet in the air heading right towards me. I had to get the 
transmitter out of the case and turn it on to land it. Needless to say that plane 
will never get sold or traded. I didn't have a watch on it (more ways than one) 
but it was at least 5 minutes. Seemed like forever.

I was there the day Stevie lost his plane from the same field - he lost that 
one really good.

A couple weeks ago I got lucky and spotted Greg Smith's beautiful Challenger 
- it was at least twice as high when I spotted it than it was when he lost 
sight of it. Transparent yellow monokote wings are invisible against a blue sky. 
I waited until it flew under a cloud before I started looking. 

And then there was the day I got to be the Mayor of the beanfield in Muncie. 
Thanks to JT for helping me find that one. No more green wings for me.

happy trails - Rob
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