Today was the day, Picked up by Colin (Current English Nats Champ and F3J Team Member) to meet up with Sven (also Team Member) for a day of winch soaring.
The weather was calm, warm and a point that they claimed it was better than either could remember!
Air was challenging if you didn't hook up. My Pic's RX battery was near dead so I had to use it sparingly...but managed to verify 2,030' with all of us keeping an eye on the Pike.
All three of us were up and doing well, working 10's on Talking Timers, when Sven called a 2min challenge.  One of the others threw down hats for landing spots and started a 2min clock.
A steady sea breeze headwind of about 7mph came up and I am not used to the thick humid air, which made me about 4 seconds late. Colin and Sven got in with in a second....but (no skeg of course) Sven was about 2m out and Colin was about there too (I couldn't see for exact) but my Pikes nose was in my under my hat we called it a draw :-)

Flying lasted a few more hours and then the cows decided we looked interesting and came over to crowd the winch, so we packed it in for the day.
It don't get better than this....
And now for something completely different.... work.
Well starting Tuesday that is, still have to catch StoneHenge! :-)
P.S. and not a chance of me embarrassing you DP, I always try to emulate you when I am over seas :-)   ......(was that noise just now JW cringing or just the motel elevator?)

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