> bank occurred...com'n guys...it stalls? (Simon Van Leeuwen)

It looked like a climbing left turn to me -- steep turn with the nose up
away from the wind direction. Left (inside) wing stalls, drops, plane goes
into a spin, no height to recover. Splat.

I've done this with a sailplane more times than I'd like to admit. Its not a
problem with a smaller TD ship or slope plane, its got a lot of control
authority, its relatively lightweight and a light wing loading so you
recover almost without thinking about it (losing height in the process). I
have a larger ship, a Stork 1, which I'm careful to not get into this
situation because getting out would be difficult -- its got a large span and
its relatively heavy -- quite a lot of rotational inertia -- and a V-tail -- 
comparatively weak rudder authority to counter the spin and get the wing
flying again. (Come to think of it, I augered a similar sized plane in some
years ago, I don't know what happened, one minute it was circling, then
suddenly it was spinning in just like that B-52. It mostly got destroyed on
impact so the only cause we could think of at the time was "a radio hit" -- 
now I'm not so sure.)

I'm not sure that very many of us could input the correct surface
deflections to recover from such a spin, much less do so in the few seconds
we have between realizing what the plane's doing and it hitting the ground.
There's a bit of a knack to spin recovery, and I'm told that a big part of
getting a multiengine licence is learning how to avoid them because even a
light multi is really easy to get into a spin and very difficult to get out.

That B-52 must have taken some real skill to fly, or maybe the pilot has
just been lucky up to now. Its still a sad loss. Maybe its time to
investigate ballistic chutes for larger models?

Martin Usher

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